Herga Energy Senal, S.L., is a manufacturer of electrical appliances for heating based in Murcia - Spain. Since 1992 we have been developing new energy efficiency projects with our own technology.
With external certification companies we carry out verifications in our tests and of all our products. We carry out the patents and trademark registrations for all the products we sell. We are pioneers in efficient technology
Auditing companies have shown that Herga Energy is a company certified with the UNE EN ISO 9001: 201 5, UNE EN ISO 14001: 2015 under the scope "Design and manufacture of laminated heaters" and UNE 166002: 2014 under the scope "Development of R + D + i projects in the field of efficient electric heating appliances ”. We carry out exhaustive quality controls and we have carried out product tests in external certification companies such as UL, CETECOM, CETEM, etc.
We invite you to connect with Herga Energy Senal to download our BIM Object Library
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Herga Energy Senal, S.L.
Avda. de Lorquí Nº 45, 2º B
30562, Ceutí
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