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Registrable Elevated Pavements (P.E.R)

  • Riferimento


  • fabbricante

    Suelos Teide, S.L.

  • Telefono

    34 - 918308364

  • Data di pubblicazione


  • Tipologia di prodotto

    Requires finishing

  • Serie


  • File Lingua

    EN Language inglese

  • Standard

    senza di serie

  • Formato Autodesk RevitIFC

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Riferimento: (P.E.R)
Prezzo unitario: 0.00
Presentazione e vendita del prodotto: -
Descrizione: The registrable technical floor is a self-supporting modular system composed of five clearly defined parts. 1º Coating of the tile. It is the treacherous face of this and its composition is subject to a wide range of materials, high pressure laminates, natural wood, pvc, granite, marble, ceramic, carpets, etc. 2nd Bottom coating. Part that does not require aesthetics but quality, also has different options, Kraft laminated melamine and anti humidity, aluminum or galvanized steel sheets. 3rd Perimeter Canter. Thermo product adhered to the tile procuring this hermetism and final calibration, usually made of pvc or abs material. and with a wide range of colors. 4th Nucleus. It is undoubtedly the most important part of the tile, they can be made with different materials, in high density wood particles, sulfates or inert materials. 5º Supports. They are the points of support where you rest the tiles of technical floor, made with element
Condizioni generali: Consult with the manufacturer's technical-commercial department.
Paese di vendita: Andorra, Spagna, Francia, Portogallo,
Codice MasterFormat - Descrizione: -
Codice UNSPSC: -
UNSPSC Descrizione: -
Uniclass 2.0 Codice: -
Uniclass 2.0 Descrizione: -
Codice OmniClass: -
OmniClass Descrizione: -
Cobie Categoria: -
IFC Descrizione: -:
certificati: -
vita utile attesa: -
Altezza ( ): 0.00
Larghezza ( ): 0.00
Profondità ( ): 0.00
Caratteristiche tecniche: Consult the technical data sheet of the product.
Materiali e finiture: Consult the technical data sheet of the product.
dei costi energetici: -
materiale a bassa emissività: -
finitura a bassa emissività: -
Percentuale di materiali riciclati: -
URL Dati ambientali: -
Dati generali ambientali: -
URL del prodotto:
certificato CE:
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