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Piping Numepress

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Ссылка: Numepress
Цена за единицу товара: -
Представление и продажа продукта: Piping Numepress in Revit and IFC formato
Описание: The NUMEPRESS system is made up of accessories, tube and pressing tool. Makes it safe and quick to perform many types of facilities in the civilian field, industrial and naval with a range of diameters from 15 mm to 168.3 mm. The extensive supply program allows any type of mounting with technology of the NUMEPRESS system.
Общие условия: System with a fast and safe assembly. Reliability in the installation even in severe conditions of use. Reduction of labor. Corrosion resistance. Easy manipulation. It is not necessary to take preventive measures against fires.
Страна продажи: Германия, андорра, Испания, Франция, Португалия, объединенное Королевство,
MasterFormat код - Описание: 22 11 13 - Facility Water Distribution Piping,
UNSPSC код: 40142322
UNSPSC Описание: Pipe repair clamps
Uniclass 2,0 код: Ee_55
Uniclass 2,0 Описание: Piped Supply Elements
OmniClass код: 23-27 39 00
OmniClass Описание: Piping
Коби Категория: -
МФК Описание: IfcPipeSegment:
Сертификаты: -
Срок службы, расчетный: Consult the product data sheet.
Рост ( mm ): 0.00
Ширина ( mm ): 0.00
глубина ( mm ): 0.00
Технические характеристики: Consult the product data sheet.
Материалы и отделка: Accessory material: Stainless steel material nº 1.4404 (AISI 316L). Characteristics: Hygienic material, as demonstrated in most applications in the food industry and pharmaceutical. Minimum pressure drop, obtaining higher fluid speeds. Excellent decorative finish avoiding additional painting costs or exterior protections. Lower thermal conductivity than other materials. The presence of molybdenum produces a good behavior in chlorinated environments. Good resistance to oxidation up to a temperature of 900 ºC. Very good mechanical resistance and deformation at high temperature.
Стоимость энергии: -
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Процент переработанных материалов: -
URL Экологические данные: -
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сертификат CE:
Numepress system
General presentation
Техническое обслуживание Видео:

Рекламный ролик:
Presentation of Isotubi - WebInar Piping in BIM & BIM Initiation
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