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Radiant conditioning system ALB ACUTEC

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    ALB Sistemas, S.A.

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    34 - 977169104

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Ссылка: 19-1002
Цена за единицу товара: 0.00
Представление и продажа продукта: Download Radiant conditioning system ALB ACUTEC
Описание: The ACUTEC system is an evolution of the DIFUTEC® system with an insulating panel manufactured in expanded polystyrene with elasticized graphite to give it greater acoustic performance. The diffusion and conductivity capacity provided by the aluminum sheet to the ACUTEC panel allows to achieve a more homogeneous distribution of heat in the mortar slab. With this system also achieves that the tube has a greater exchange area, improving the heat transmission between fluid and mortar.
Общие условия: Consult with the manufacturer's technical-commercial department.
Страна продажи: Германия, андорра, Испания, Франция, Италия, Португалия,
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Срок службы, расчетный: -
Рост ( ): 5000.00
Ширина ( ): 1000.00
глубина ( ): 25.00
Технические характеристики: Consult the technical data sheet of the product.
Материалы и отделка: Insulating panel made of polystyrene (EPS) with graphite elasticized gives excellent acústido ailslamiento (28 impact noise attenuation). It has a superficial aluminum sheet on the upper side for fixing the tube that provides high conductivity and thermal diffusion to the mortar
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