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Exterior SIP Wall to Office 357mm

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    Ready to install

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    EN Language Engelsk

  • Standard


  • Format Autodesk AutocadAutodesk RevitIFC

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Presentasjon og salg av produktet: Exterior SIP Wall to Office 357mm in Revit , IFC and Autocad format
Beskrivelse: BiW_Exterior CLT - 357mm 60min - Office . This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862820
Generelle betingelser: This is a V01 element of the Build in Wood BIM Library. It contains the information structure based on IFC4 ADD2 TC1 and Bimetica´s GDO-BIM standard. If you have questions of comments about this element, please let us know by email at
Salgsland: Spania,
Masterformat kode - Beskrivelse: 10 22 00 - Partitions,
UNSPSC kode: -
UNSPSC Beskrivelse: -
Uniclass 2,0 kode: Ee_25_25
Uniclass 2.0 Beskrivelse: Internal Walls
OmniClass kode: 23-15 11 11
OmniClass Beskrivelse: Fixed Partitions
Cobie Kategori: IfcWall
IFC Beskrivelse: -:
sertifikater: -
Forventet levetid: -
Høyde ( mm ): 0.00
Bredde ( mm ): 295.00
Dybde ( mm ): 0.00
tekniske egenskaper: -
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CE sertifikat:
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